Monday, May 14, 2012

Waiting for my individualism to shine

As a faithful procrastinator, I live up to my spirit. I gave this shit a go while trying to align all the dysplastic epithelial cells in a more socially acceptable form.

It's EXTREMELY true, I am quite independent of social relationships and very self-reliant.
"You therefore often give others the impression that you are arrogant or snobby - especially because you do not hesitate to speak your mind with your often harsh (even if justified) criticism and your imperturbable self-confidence."
Couldn't agree more mate!
I work alone. When I was in high school I always grabbed the group project firmly in my fists because I didn't think other members can write or draw better than I do. They can just sit back and watch me.
I publicly retorted command from my team captain because I didn't want to join the marching troop under the unbearable weather at 3pm. "You can do what you like but my dad never plan to spend this much money on me so that I can march like a soldier", then I walked out of the field.
When I joined BDS, I met so many awesome people I let them do the job while I sit back to watch.
May be I simply don't care about all those things anymore, I concentrate on my individual happiness, like my single room, my postcards, my drawing.
Having supper with bunch of people still irritates me much. They share stories of how other people screw up their life, laugh at long sentences (it will be too cruel and mean if i name them "joke"), and I can't remember the rest, I always zone out.
Lying on the water and staring into the blue dimension, it's my favourite moment in swimming pool. I don't want to know the disaster in clinic nor the new girlfriend of my classmate.
We're so caught up with the wrong passion. We basically don't feel anything anymore. When we're free we lay back and watch somebody else's emotion,and make them ours. Or pretend they are ours.

Please, be you, be the best version of you.

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